To get annotation of value type you will need to use typeof() as parameter.
interface IHandler { void Handle(XElement e);} class CatHandler : IHandler { public void Handle(XElement e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Attribute("Food").Value); } } class DogHandler : IHandler { public void Handle(XElement e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Element("Friend").Value); } } class Test { static void Main(string[] args) { List<XElement> list=new List<XElement>() { new XElement("Creature", new XElement("Name", "Bijou"), new XAttribute("Food", "milk"), new XAttribute("Type", "Cat")), new XElement("Creature", new XElement("Name", "Goro"), new XElement("Friend", "Reiko"), new XAttribute("Type", "Dog")) }; //registration foreach (XElement element in list) { switch(element.Attribute("Type").Value) { case "Cat" : element.AddAnnotation((IHandler)new CatHandler()); break; case "Dog" : element.AddAnnotation((IHandler)new DogHandler()); break; } } //usage foreach (XElement element in list) { element.Annotation<IHandler>().Handle(element); } } }
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